Project Freedom:

Puerto Rico

Transforming Lives

Restoring Hope

Changing Nations


Awake to Dream Inc is a US registered charity of Puerto Rico, registration number 526126, non-profit business license 1480735-0017

   “Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop—some thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times what was sown.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     – Mark 4:20

Project Freedom: Puerto Rico began in 2021 as a series of beautiful visions and dreams that revealed a community farm and place of refuge in the mountains of an island nation.

Early 2022 would soon reveal that this farm was to find a home in the mountains of southwest Puerto Rico, where 100% of the farm’s resources would be dedicated to providing the local populace (which faces a poverty rate more than double that of the poorest American state (51% compared to Mississippi at 19.7%), with nutritious organic produce, humanely farmed fish, and harvest grown coffee/cacao.

Additionally, this self-sustained and eco-friendly farm is designed to impact local marginalized communities and create energy, jobs, inspiration, and opportunities for others to impact the world!

We are on the ground and excited to step into this revolutionary blueprint to steward hearts and lives in this part of the planet! 

Join us, and make a true, lasting difference in the lives of those in desparate need


Awake to Dream Puerto Rico

Join in the journey – a bold leap into the heart of change and community revival.

Our mission? To cultivate a self-sustained community farm that’s more than soil and seeds. Here, every contribution weaves directly into the local fabric, nurturing organically raised produce and humanely farmed fish for those ensnared by systemic poverty.

Join us.

Not just in words, but in action.

Dive into our ten-year vision and see if your heart beats to the rhythm of transformative change. Our farm is the seedbed for a broader mission: a community kitchen, retreat, and educational hub where learning flows both ways. We invite you to become part of this ecosystem, to share your strength, learn, and take back a piece of this experience to your world.

We’re not just planting crops, but hopes, dreams, and the tough lessons in between.

Why here in Puerto Rico? Beyond the postcard-perfect façade lies a reality stark with economic strife and a community in need. Over half of its beautiful, resilient people live beneath the poverty line, their potential stifled by a tangled legacy of policies and neglect.

We see family, future, and a fierce need for change.

Our commitment is total. And we’re asking you to stand with us. Whether through sharing our story, engaging with our content, or contributing financially, your support fuels this journey.

We’re not just asking for donations for a charity and non-profit; we’re inviting you into a partnership to reignite hope and rebuild lives. Your support is vital, helping us to establish this beacon of change. Let’s unite in this venture, nurturing a project that promises growth, learning, and a lasting impact.

Together, let’s turn the tide and foster a legacy of love, resilience, and sustainable prosperity.

Join us, engage, and let’s make this dream a vivid reality. Your role in this story is crucial, and every step forward is a stride toward a brighter, shared, and sustainable future. 

Projected Timeline

1-Year Plan: Establishing Roots

  • 1st 6 Months – Initial Set Up:
    • Relocate the family to Puerto Rico.  
    • Establish the charity in Puerto Rico.
    • Network with local community groups and farms.
    • Coordinate visits to potential properties, prioritizing those with natural water sources.
  • 2nd 6 Months – Property and Infrastructure:
    • Purchasing land, 50-70 acres
    • Clear and prepare the land.
    • Set up irrigation, dig wells, and acquire farming equipment.
    • Establish a small farm office.
    • Introduce renewable energy: solar panels and cisterns for operations.
  • Community and Spiritual Development:
    • Build a worship community emphasizing Kingdom values and prayer.
    • Collaborate with local leaders to engage and support the community.

2nd Year Plan: Roots Deepen

  • 2nd Year – Sustainable Farming & Housing:

    • Establish a perma-culture farm, integrating local volunteers and international advisors.
    • Conduct workshops on sustainable farming and promote the project in local media.
    • Begin farming native crops with raised bed and vertical farming techniques.
    • Initiate a tilapia farm.
    • Provide crops to the public free of charge.
    • Leverage grants and charity fundraising for financing.
    • Construct eco-friendly campsite and housing units (around 7) for visitors, volunteers, and missionary teams.
    • Establish a community food distribution / potential kitchen program
    • Lay foundations for public gathering and worship spaces, improve property infrastructure.
    • Aim for 50% sustainability.
    • Offer home education resources and English lessons for locals.
    • Launch visiting retreats and conferences.

3-Year Plan: Expanding & Engaging Deeper

Enhanced Community Involvement & Sustainable Growth:

  • Free weekend programs teaching home produce growth skills.
  • Diverse crops range: fruits, vegetables, coffee/cacao, and fish.
  • Emphasize hydroponics (tilapia, cabbage, earthworm).
  • Install a 1-acre tilapia farm.
  • Expanded tests of various farming methods: greenhouse, woodchip, and vertical farming.
  • Begin seed storage efforts.
  • Aim for 100% sustainability.
  • Acquire a bus for visitor transportation.
  • Engage locals for farm operations and support.
  • Collaborate with local governmental entities.

5-10 Year Plan: Regional Legacy & Sustained Birth / Growth

  • Objective: Achieve 100% financial sustainability and set a regional benchmark.
    • Invest in research: allocate land for innovative farming techniques.
    • Launch certified courses on sustainable farming.
    • Acquire an extra 5 acres for diversified farming opportunities (5 year)
    • Set up a trust for long-term project continuity and community benefits.
    • Establish a disaster relief facility, focusing also on foster care and support for young mothers.
    • Double the farm’s size by acquiring matching acreage (10 year)
    • Reflect on the past successes and modify strategies for even broader community impact.



The Dire Economic Plight of Southwestern Puerto Rico

The Dire Economic Plight of Southwestern Puerto Rico

Southwestern Puerto Rico, renowned for its scenic beauty and vibrant culture, has long grappled with significant economic challenges profoundly impacting its residents. A blend of historical, environmental, socio-political factors, and external policies such as the Jones Act, has heightened the region’s financial instability and contributed to alarming poverty rates.

1. Historical Context

The economic difficulties of southwestern Puerto Rico can be traced back to its colonial past. Under Spanish rule, Puerto Rico became a crucial center for sugar production. However, the global decline in sugar prices eventually hit the Puerto Rican sugar industry hard, particularly in the southwestern regions where agriculture was dominant (U.S. Library of Congress).

When the U.S. assumed control in 1898, the island experienced a major push towards cash crops, especially sugar. This prioritization came at the expense of diversified local food production, making the region heavily dependent on imported food. Additionally, American business interests and policies resulted in a significant portion of arable land being owned by U.S. corporations, leading to the displacement of local farmers and further decline in local agriculture. The mid-20th century “Operation Bootstrap” initiative aimed at modernizing the economy further marginalized the agricultural sector in favor of industrialization, with benefits largely concentrating in northern and metropolitan areas.

2. Environmental Challenges

Natural disasters have continuously affected southwestern Puerto Rico’s economy. Hurricane Maria in 2017 led to widespread infrastructure damage and business disruption (FEMA). Then, in 2019-2020, the region experienced a series of earthquakes, with a 6.4 magnitude quake notably straining its economic resources (U.S. Geological Survey & Puerto Rico Seismic Network).

3. Socio-political Factors and External Policies

High unemployment rates in southwestern Puerto Rico predated recent disasters and continue to persist (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics). The island’s public debt crisis has seen austerity measures reducing public services and hiking taxes, disproportionately affecting more vulnerable regions like the southwest (Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico).

The ongoing brain drain, driven by better opportunities on the U.S. mainland, has led to an aging population in the region (U.S. Census Bureau). Furthermore, with Puerto Rico’s poverty rate exceeding 40%, the situation is dire, especially in remote areas.

The Jones Act has only compounded these challenges. This legislation escalates shipping costs, making goods from the U.S. mainland pricier in Puerto Rico than in neighboring Caribbean islands. It’s estimated to cost Puerto Rican families an additional $500 million annually, contributing to the economic strain and limiting trade flexibility (2010 study).

4. Dependency on External Aid

Recurring economic and environmental setbacks, intertwined with U.S. policies like the Jones Act and historical agricultural declines, have increased southwestern Puerto Rico’s dependency on external aid. While essential during crises, this dependency can suppress local self-reliance and innovation.


Southwestern Puerto Rico’s challenges emphasize the importance of comprehensive, informed, and compassionate interventions. Focused investments in sustainable initiatives, economic diversification, local enterprise support, and fair resource distribution are critical for the region’s future. Join with us to bring physical and spiritual freedom to the people of Puerto Rico, restoring hope by partnering with the land and its people.




3172 North Rainbow Blvd

Box 26922

Las Vegas, NV 89108